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雅思閱讀段落細節(jié)題特點解析 雅思閱讀熟詞多義題解析 2023年12月14日雅思閱讀考試真題答案

更新:2023年11月06日 21:58 大學(xué)路

大學(xué)路小編給大家?guī)砹搜潘奸喿x段落細節(jié)題特點解析 雅思閱讀熟詞多義題解析 2023年12月14日雅思閱讀考試真題答案相關(guān)文章,一起來看一下吧。


雅思閱讀段落細節(jié)題特點解析 雅思閱讀熟詞多義題解析 2023年12月14日雅思閱讀考試真題答案



1. 題型位置

縱觀劍橋系列真題,尤其是近幾年出版的劍橋雅思7-11, 專家發(fā)現(xiàn),段落細節(jié)配對總是出現(xiàn)在第一題型,并且會出現(xiàn)題目要求:Which paragraph contains the followinginformation?

從第一題型的位置來看,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)它和List of Headings是一樣的,也就是說,同一篇文章,這兩個題型只會出現(xiàn)其中一個。道理其實很簡單,因為這兩個題型都是考察段落的,一個考察細節(jié),另一個卻考察主旨,如果同時在一篇文章,那么對段落的考察考點重復(fù),所以只會保留其中一個。

2. 完全亂序


3. 題量:4-7題

4. NB youmay use any letter more than once

只要出現(xiàn)NB, 表明一定有一個選項(段落)會被重復(fù)使用一次。NB的出現(xiàn)無疑是加大了這道題的難度,如果有題已經(jīng)選了C段,如果沒有NB, 這段可以跳過進入下一段,但是如果有NB出現(xiàn),我們還得老老實實地把這一自然段讀完,確保復(fù)選選項。


在分析段落細節(jié)題的特點時,我們知道它是第一題型,考試時“我們要不要按照順序,先把段落細節(jié)配對拿下呢?”答案是:Ofcourse, not!! Definitely not!!! 理由很充分:它要求我們尋找題干和文章中某段中某句話的同義改寫,而我們對文章完全不了解的情況下,是很難在茫茫詞海中找尋答案的,所以只能仔細閱讀文章了,文章1500-2000字,通讀一遍,不僅耗時,而且很有可能吃力不討好,完全找不到答案,因為文中的句子一定大幅度同義改寫了。所以段落細節(jié)配對,我們要靠后做,先做順序原則的細節(jié)題,對文章有一定了解之后,再去搜尋答案,會事半功倍。




劍7 Test1 Let’s Go bats這篇文章一定是圍繞蝙蝠來講的,所以如果題干中出現(xiàn)蝙蝠,可以不劃。

劍6 Test4 Passage1 Doctoring sales醫(yī)生**,很明顯是說醫(yī)療的,副標題:Pharmaceuticalsis one of the most profitable industries in North America. But do the drugsindustry’s sales and marketing strategies go too far? 我們不難看出這篇文章是說醫(yī)藥代表和醫(yī)生的關(guān)系的,所以題干中出現(xiàn):doctor、drug、sale*an、sales representative可以不用劃出來。


假大空的詞。An account of、the fact that、a reference to、a deion of、an effect of, 看似這些詞都是名詞,但是它們都沒有意義,只是告訴我們這句話描述了,說了,提到了,所以看到即跳過。



劍7 Test2 Passage2 The True Cost of food

14. A costinvolved in purifying domestic water

劍9 Test2 Passage1

6. The estimated proportionof children in New Zealand with auditoryproblems.

劍9 Test4 Passage2 Young children’s sense ofidentity

16. The ageat which children can usually identify a staticimage of themselves.

段落細節(jié)配對,顧名思義,讓考生們帶著題干中比較寬泛的信息到文章中尋找相對來說較細節(jié)、較具體的信息,那么這三道題出現(xiàn)了:cost、proportion、age, 這三個詞如何具體,很簡單:就是數(shù)字,文中的句子一定具體告訴讀者是多少錢,百分之多少和具體的幾歲。文中分別出現(xiàn)了:$23m for removal of the bugcryptosporidium from drinking water、6-10% of children和during the second birthday。

B. 首字母大寫(地名,住址機構(gòu)名,專有名詞)

劍9 Test4 Passage2

18. A reference to apossible link between cultureand a particularform of behaviour.

題干中出現(xiàn)culture, 很多考生可能會困惑,為什么culture和大寫有關(guān),culture是文化的意思,不同的國家和地區(qū)才會有不同的文化,所以這個詞的出現(xiàn)暗示著這段的某句話里有首字母大寫的表示國家地點的詞。

劍9 Test3 Passage2 Tidal Power

14. The locationof the first test site

題干中出現(xiàn)location, 地點,位置,文中一定具體說在哪里,所以有大寫,并且可以精確到街道和門牌號碼,所以還有可能大寫的旁邊有數(shù)字。

劍9 Test 1 Passage1

2. A deion of a global team effort.

global team effort全球團隊合作,“全球”在文章中如何細化,會出現(xiàn)international、world等詞,或者這段出現(xiàn)表示國家的大寫單詞。

C. 名詞復(fù)數(shù)(舉例,并列結(jié)構(gòu))

劍7 Test1 Let’s Go Bats

1. Examples of wildlife other than bats which donot rely on vision to navigate by.

題干中出現(xiàn)examples, 說明該段一定會具體舉例動物,如:insects、deep-see fish、whales、dolphins等。

劍7 Test2

15. The stagesin the development of the farming industry.

題干中出現(xiàn)stages, 表示階段或步驟,也就是說農(nóng)業(yè)并不是一蹴而就的,而是經(jīng)歷了若干階段,那么階段與階段之間,一定會有銜接詞,如:first、second、next、followed by、and then; 或者出現(xiàn)表示時間的詞:in the 1990s、while in the 2000s。

17. One effect of chemicalson water sources.

這道題出現(xiàn)了兩個名詞復(fù)數(shù),一個是chemicals, 化學(xué)物質(zhì),也就是說文中一定會有具體的化學(xué)物質(zhì),但是這個詞偏學(xué)術(shù),可能出現(xiàn)的詞會超出預(yù)計;而另外一個復(fù)數(shù)名詞:watersources水源,這個就好想多了,水的源頭無外乎江河湖海,小溪,冰川等,所以文中會出現(xiàn)不止一個詞:river、sea、ocean、lake、stream、glacier。

D. 否定詞(表示否定意義的詞)

劍9 Test 4 Passage2

17. A reason for the limitations of scientific research into “self-as-subject”.

題干中出現(xiàn)limitations, 表示局限或是障礙,那么文中定位到的句子一定會有同樣表示困難的詞:Empiricalinvestigations of the self-as-subject in young children are, however, ratherscarcebecause of difficultiesof communication: even if young infants can reflect on their experience, theycertainly cannot expressthis aspect of the selfdirectly. 所以一旦題干中出現(xiàn)負方向的詞,文中一定會有表示否定的詞。

E. 同義詞或近義詞

劍7 Test1 Passage1

5. Early military usesof echolocation.


以這題為例:military uses軍事方面的應(yīng)用,文中一定細化到:war、weapon、solider、battle、submarine、battlefield、helicopter等。

劍9 Test4 Passage2

15. The role of imitationin developing a sense of identity.

題干中出現(xiàn)imitation, 表示模仿,那么文中一定不會有原文原詞,該詞的同義詞是:simulate、copy、mimic、mock, 而文中出現(xiàn)了:many parents spend a lot of time, particularly inthe early months, copying their infant’svocalizations and expressions.









In other words, they gave no indication of an appreciation of either the range of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social, economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests.

這是一個復(fù)雜的長難句,一共出現(xiàn)了三處定語從句,一處ways in which, 一處factors which,一處activities which。

drive的主語為連接代詞which代指的先行詞factors,提取之后變?yōu)閒actors drive the activities, 這里如果將這里作為動詞的drive 翻譯成駕駛,句子是完成不通順的,我們從后一處的定語從句中得知,activities指的是破壞雨林的行為,也就是前面的社會經(jīng)濟和政治因素drive了一些破壞雨林的行為,也就是說,這里的drive是導(dǎo)致,迫使的意思。



Q24: Manufacturers of computers, for instance, are able to import 24................. from overseas, rather than having to rely on a local supplier.

文章E段 To see how this influences trade, consider the business of making disk drives for computers. Most of the world's disk-drive manufacturing is concentrated in South-east Asia. This is possible only because disk drives, while valuable, are *all and light and so cost little to ship. Computer manufacturers in Japan or Texas will not face hugely bigger freight bills if they import drives from Singapore rather than purchasing them on the domestic market.

通過manufacturers of computers定位到E段。閱讀后我們可以知道電腦*商集中在東南亞*和進口disk drives而不是本國市場。如果同學(xué)對電腦知識比較了解的話,對于drive在這里的理解應(yīng)該問題不大。根據(jù)一定的語法知識我們看得出這里的disk drives和disk-drive是名詞用法,可通過drive的基本含義“駕駛”進一步引申理解,“駕駛磁盤”過渡為“讓磁盤啟動”,正確的理解含義為:磁盤驅(qū)動器。對應(yīng)到題目提供的選項“B. components”




單選題 Q20 The teacher-subjects were told that they were testing whether

A a 450-volt shock was dangerous.

B punishment helps learning.

C the pupils were honest.

D they were suited to teaching.

文章A段 Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer 'teacher-subject' that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils' ability to learn.

文章這里的'teacher-subject'打了引號,也就是說即便同學(xué)你不認識,把它當作一個特殊詞符號,不理解不影響做題。不過明顯的是,把“科目”“主語”“主題”放這里,都不好理解。在雅思閱讀學(xué)術(shù)實驗類的文章中,subject是個高頻詞匯,作為“實驗對象”的含義來使用, 有時會同義替換為volunteer或participant。


表格填空Q38 The results were then subjected to a 38…………………….

文章:In 1987, results from hundreds of autoganzfeld tests were studied by Honorton in a 'meta-*ysis', a statistical technique for finding the overall results from a set of studies.

通過冠詞a我們可以知道此空填名詞單數(shù),并且從表格縱軸同行的特殊定位詞in 1987,我們找到了定位句。但是定位句中存在冠詞a的三處,到底三處后的單詞填哪個呢。單詞不會,語法來湊,通過題目和文章的主干結(jié)構(gòu)的一致性:A be subjected to B和A be studied By B in C, 由于Honorton是人名且不符合填詞規(guī)定,順理成章的'meta-*ysis'成為我們的選填對象。那subject to到底什么意思呢,通過文章,我們可以知道大概是被研究的意思,查了字典我們就了解,正確含義為“受…支配”。


1. state n. (美國的)州,狀態(tài),*,adj. 國家的,國立的 v.陳述,說明

C8T4P1 判斷題Q8 Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools. State-run adj國立的

C7T4P1 第5段 There was a huge initial force- five times larger than the steady state force, Gharib says. State n.狀態(tài)

2. coin n. 硬幣, v. 創(chuàng)造,鑄造

C7T1P1 E段 The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term 'echolocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments. Coin v 創(chuàng)造(first used)

3. spoke v. speak過去式,n 車輪的輻條(C4T1P3)

4. tuitionn. 學(xué)費,課程,講授,教學(xué)(C4T1P1)

5. complaint n. 抱怨,*,疾病(C4T2P2)

6. Interest v. 是感興趣n. 興趣,利益,利息(C4T3P1)

7. leaves v. leave的動詞三單形式 n.葉子(Pl)(C8T4P3)

8. press v. 按壓,n. 印刷,新聞工作者,新聞(C5T1P3/C5T4P2)

(pressing adj. 迫切的,急切的 C7T1P2)



Section 1厄爾尼諾現(xiàn)象
El-Nino—theusual weather in the Pacific
文章介紹了厄爾尼諾顯現(xiàn)的影響,“康拉德”號的海上調(diào)研以及結(jié)果,最后Gilbert Walker教授的理論研究和證實
Section 3*
In many countries, the amount of rubbish is rapidly increasing. Why doe it happen? What can we do to solve this problem?
劍5 General Traning Test B, Writing Task 2:
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.
Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
審題:當題中有more and more,可在文中提及與過去的對比;當問*措施,通常圍繞立法、征稅、罰款、投入經(jīng)費、提供設(shè)施;當問到垃圾,屬于環(huán)境話題,通常涉及污染、回收;此外,可對關(guān)鍵名詞rubbish進行拆分,從而產(chǎn)生觀點展開討論。就考題而言,有“increasingly”,也可適當用“ past”之類的字樣改寫并回應(yīng)。
I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such asprocessed food. But even if we buyfresh foodwithout packaging, we stillproduce rubbishfrom the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home.
The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past.Convenienceis also very important in modern life, so we buypackaged or cannedfood that can betransportedfrom long distances andstoreduntil we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.
學(xué)習(xí)點:回應(yīng)“為什么”。第一句承接開頭段提出的包裝問題,使段落之間的銜接很緊密,具體的語言表達很扣題“we consume so much more families in the past”扣題中的 and more。第二句是個長句,進一步解釋為什么包裝增多?!皥D方便”可以是很多問題的原因,雅思寫作小白可以記下來,用于“原因類”寫作任務(wù)的構(gòu)思。
However, I thinkthe amount of waste producedis also a result of our tendency touse something once and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag hasused up vaulable resources and energyto produce. We also forget that it isa source of pollutionand difficult todispose of.
學(xué)習(xí)點:繼續(xù)回應(yīng)“為什么”,“is also a result of”是很好的連接和表達方式。第二句和第三句解釋為什么會出現(xiàn)使用一次性物品的趨勢?!叭狈τ^念”也是很多問題的原因。
I think,therefore,that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public. Children can be educated aboutenviromental issuesat school, but *s need to take action. Governments canencourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, byproviding recycling servicesand byfining househoulds and shops that do notattempt to recycle their waste.
學(xué)習(xí)點:回應(yīng)第二個寫作任務(wù)“怎么辦”。一是提高公眾意識,這個idea承接了上一段的“forget”(認識不足)。二是鼓勵環(huán)保行為,比如征包裝稅,提供回收設(shè)施,對不進行垃圾回收的家庭和商店進行罰款。這一段有一些同類問題的“萬用表達”,比如:提高認識 raise the awareness,采取行動 take action,提供設(shè)施 provide services,征稅 put tax on等。這一段還值得注意的是觀點拓展方式,即分人群 children/*s和列舉主體 household/shops。
With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planetpoisoned by waste.
(272 words)

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與“雅思閱讀段落細節(jié)題特點解析 雅思閱讀熟詞多義題解析 2023年12月14日雅思閱讀考試真題答案”相關(guān)推薦



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