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劍橋雅思8閱讀test2passage1 2023年1月7日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)回憶

更新:2023年12月08日 17:16 大學路

最近經(jīng)常有小伙伴私信詢問劍橋雅思8閱讀test2passage1 2023年1月7日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)回憶相關的問題,今天,大學路小編整理了以下內(nèi)容,希望可以對大家有所幫助。


劍橋雅思8閱讀test2passage1 2023年1月7日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)回憶




1. 教育類

首先,教育類的話題一直是雅思考試閱讀部分的熱門話題。在2011年的考試中,主要涉及到了兒童的性格,歐洲女子教育,兒童心理教育,兒童情感發(fā)展,教育方法的研究,噪音對兒童的影響,兒童文學,家長參與教育,天才教育,學習歷史的意義。在2012年上半年的考試來看,教育類涉及到了學術道德,閱讀方法的探討,年輕人當父母,澳大利亞文盲。從去年及今年上半年的教育類話題分析,兒童教育及家庭教育是教育類話題的中心。在劍橋雅思真題集中這類型話題的分布也很廣泛,比如劍橋5 Test3 passage1 “Early Childhood Education”, 這篇文章主要是關于兒童教育的,講解了兩個項目'Headstart' programme和'Missouri' programme; 劍橋6 Test4 passage2 “Do Literate Women Make Better Mothers?”, 這篇文章討論了高學歷女性是否可以是更好的媽媽,有關兒童的家長問題。劍橋8 Test4 Passage1 'Land of the Rising Sum' 探討了日本的數(shù)學教育。


2. 語言類

雅思閱讀人文科學類的第二大話題就是語言類。從2011年全年來看,主要涉及到語言的傳播,筆譯,國際公司的外語策略培訓,語言對商業(yè)的作用,語言的起源,語言的消失,對語言發(fā)展的態(tài)度。在 2012年上半年來看,語言類話題主要有交流與文化,語義的理解,雙語學習的利弊。從去年到今年上半年,語言類話題主要涉及到了語言對商業(yè),文化等的影響,語言的保護以及語言與教育的結合。這類型話題在劍橋雅思真題集中也有廣泛分布,比如:劍橋4 Test2 Passage1 Lost for Words, 這篇文章主要講解了少數(shù)語言的消亡,探討了語言消亡的原因以及相應的解決辦法。除此之外,劍橋4 Test3 Passage3 Obtaining Linguistic Data也是關于語言的,這篇文章相對比較專業(yè)化,講述了獲取語料的方法并討論了這些方法的利弊,但即使這樣做這篇文章時也不需要理解那些專業(yè)化的詞匯。劍橋5 Test2 Passage3 The Birth of Scientific English, 這篇文章結合了語言與發(fā)展史,講述了科學英語的誕生及發(fā)展。烤鴨們在遇到這類型的話題時,很多都會覺得相當困難,除非有些烤鴨們的專業(yè)就是語言學專業(yè)。因為語言學本身就包括了很多分支比如語音學,詞匯學,句法學等等。每一個分支都會有很多相關的專業(yè)術語,烤鴨們尤其是還在讀高中的小烤鴨們會覺得異常難懂,但是要記住一點:雅思考試的一大特色就是“非專業(yè)性”。也就是說,雖然考試中會考到很多有關語言學的內(nèi)容,但是大多是關于語言傳播方式,如何保護語言等等比較簡單易懂的方面,并不會出現(xiàn)太專業(yè)性的內(nèi)容。即使有專業(yè)詞匯出現(xiàn),也應該感到高興,因為它們不會涉及同意轉換。

3. 發(fā)展史

第三類的話題就是有關各種事物的發(fā)展史。2011年的雅思閱讀考試中主要涉及到了歐洲印刷術,古人記事,茶的歷史與發(fā)展,加拿大移民史,英國戰(zhàn)后農(nóng)業(yè)政策,澳大利亞羊毛產(chǎn)業(yè),非洲部落發(fā)展等。2012年上半年的雅思閱讀考試中主要有管理學之父彼得德魯克,遠古電腦,奧運火炬演變發(fā)展,劇院,超市模式的誕生,地圖的發(fā)展狀況,英國人的農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)明-犁地機,小提琴*,庫克發(fā)現(xiàn)新大陸。這類型話題在劍橋雅思真題集中也有體現(xiàn),比如:劍橋5 Test1 Passage1 'Johnson's Dictionary', 這篇文章講述了約翰字典的發(fā)展歷史,相對來說比較容易理解,而且題目也比較容易做。Test2 Passage1 The Birth of Modern Plastics, 這篇文章論述了現(xiàn)代塑料的發(fā)展歷程,并講解了*過程。專業(yè)術語較多,但沒有同意轉換,因此這些專業(yè)術語不會影響做題。劍橋7 Test1 Passage2 'Making Every Drop Count', 這篇文章涉及到了人類用水的情況。劍橋8 Test1 Passage1 A Chronicle of Time Keeping, 這篇文章是很典型的發(fā)展史類的閱讀文章,講述了計時器的發(fā)展歷史,講述的是有史以來不同國家發(fā)明的鐘表和計時器,也可當作鐘表或計時器的發(fā)展史來準備這個話題。這類話題是各位烤鴨們必需關注的話題,原因很簡單,所有的東西都有歷史、有來由,而且這也是近期考試的一個主要話題??忌豢赡軠蕚渌械陌l(fā)展史,但是備考過程中完全放棄又很可惜,所以在所有的發(fā)展史中,那些曾經(jīng)考過的發(fā)展史考生一定要列為重點準備的內(nèi)容。比如說“Co*etic Painting”講述了化妝品發(fā)展的歷史,從野人時代到現(xiàn)代,但是講述現(xiàn)代化妝的比較少,主要是對比古代?!叭祟愗泿诺倪M化史”,提到了巴比倫貨幣,中國貨幣,日本貨幣,非洲貨幣等等,以及劍橋雅思真題集上給出的文章一定要做到。


Passage 1:塑料
1-5 判斷題
2.T casein can soften the ivory and ...
3.T casein分解快速的特性,又再一次吸引大家
5.NG 環(huán)境友好產(chǎn)品可能會越來越便宜
6-13 表格填空
6.destroyed by water
8.A skeleton of clay
10.Bubbles eliminated by mixing
12.Similar qualities to ....
Passage 2:猩猩文化
The culture of chimpanzee
A The similarities between chimpanzees and humans have been studied for years, but in the past decade researchers have determined that these resemblances run much deeper than anyone first thought. For instance, the nut cracking observed in the Ta? Forest is far from a simple chimpanzee behavior; rather it is a singular adaptation found only in that particular part of Africa and a trait that biologists consider to be an expression of chimpanzee culture. Scientists frequently use the term "culture" to describe elementary animal behaviors- such as the regional dialects of different populations of songbirds-but as it turns out, the rich and varied cultural traditions found among chimpanzees are second in complexity only to human traditions.
B During the past two years, an unprecedented scientific collaboration, involving every major research group studying chimpanzees, has documented a multitude of distinct cultural patterns extending across Africa, in actions ranging from the animals’ use of tools to their forms of communication and social customs. This emerging picture of chimpanzees not only affects how we think of these amazing creatures but also alters human beings’conception of our own uniqueness and hints at ancient foundations for extraordinary capacity for culture.
C Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes have coexisted for hundreds of millennia and share more than 98 percent of their genetic material, yet only 40 years ago we still knew next to nothing about chimpanzee behavior in the wild. That began to change in the 1960s, when Toshisada Nishida of Kyoto University in Japan and Jane Goodall began their studies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania. (Goodall’s research station at Gombe-the first of its kind-is more famous, but Nishida’s site at Mahale is the second oldest chimpanzee research site in the world. )
D In these initial studies, as the chimpanzees became accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveries began. Researchers witnessed a range of unexpected behaviors, including fashioning and using tools, hunting, meat eating, food sharing and lethal fights between members of neighboring communities.
E As early as 1973, Goodall recorded 13 forms of tool use as well as eight social activities that appeared to differ between the Gombe chimpanzees and chimpanzee populations elsewhere. She ventured that some variations had what she termed a cultural origin. But what exactly did Goodall mean by "culture"? According to the Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary, culture is defined as "the customs . . . and achievements of a particular time or people." The diversity of human cultures extends from technological variations to marriage rituals, from culinary habits to myths and legends. Animals do not have myths and legends, of course. But they do have the capacity to pass on behavioral traits from generation to generation, not through their genes but by learning. For biologists, this is the fundamental criterion for a cultural trait: it must be something that can be learned by observing the established skills of others and thus passed on to future generations
F What of the implications for chimpanzees themselves? We must highlight the tragic loss of chimpanzees, whose populations are being decimated just when we are at last coming to appreciate these astonishing animals more completely. Populations have plummeted in the past century and continue to fall as a result of illegal trapping, logging and, most recently, the bushmeat trade. The latter is particularly alarming: logging has driven roadways into the forests that are now used to ship wild-animal meat-including chimpanzee meat-to consumers as far afield as Europe. Such destruction threatens not only the animals themselves but also a host of fascinatingly different ape cultures.
G Perhaps the cultural richness of the ape may yet help in its salvation, however. Some conservation efforts have already altered the attitudes of some local people. A few organizations have begun to show videotapes illustrating the cognitive prowess of chimpanzees. One Zairian viewer was heard to exclaim, "Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longer eat him. "
H How an international team of chimpanzee experts conducted the most comprehensive survey of the animals ever attempted. Scientists have been investigating chimpanzee culture for several decades, but too often their studies contained a crucial flaw. Most attempts to document cultural diversity among chimpanzees have relied solely on officially published accounts of the behaviors recorded at each research site. But this approach probably overlooks a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons. First, scientists typically don’t publish an extensive list of all the activities they do not see at a particular location. Yet this is exactly what we need to know-which behaviors were and were not observed at each site. Second, many reports describe chimpanzee behaviors without saying how common they are; with- out this information, we can’t determine whether a particular action was a once-in-a-lifetime aberration or a routine event that should be considered part of the animals’ culture. Finally, researchers’ deions of potentially significant chimpanzee behaviors frequently lack sufficient detail, making it difficult for scientists working at other spots to record the presence or absence of the activities.
J To remedy these problems, the two of us decided to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site for a list of all the behaviors they suspected were local traditions. With this information in hand, we pulled together a comprehensive list of 65 candidates for cultural behaviors.
K Then we distributed our list to the team leaders at each site. In consultation with their colleagues, they classified each behavior in terms of its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee community studied. The key categories were customary behavior (occurs in most or all of the able-bodied members of at least one age or sex class, such as all * males), habitual (less common than customary but occurs repeatedly in several individuals), present (seen at the site but not habitual), absent (never seen), and unknown.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter G-K, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
1. A problem of researchers on chimpanzee culture which are only based on official sources.
2. Design a new system by two scientists aims to solve the problem.
3. Reasons why previous research on ape culture is problematic.
4. Classification of data observed or collected.
5. An example that showing tragic outcome of animals leading to indication of change in local people’s attitude in preservation
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
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1-8 判斷







7. 待補充


9-13 填空

9. technique

10. solidarity

11. headaches

12. accidents

13. government


題型:匹配+填空+選擇14-20 匹配待回憶

21-23 填空


22.selling23.persuasive intend

24-25 選擇


Passage3: 植物如何傳播種子




在IELTS閱讀測試中,TIME對絕大部分學生,特別是英文閱讀水平相對一般的學生來說,更尤為至關重要。即使是英語為母語的人(NATIVE-ENGLISH SPEAKER)也無法在IELTS測試規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)完全理解所有的詞匯。因此,一定控制好TIME。




大部分參加(GENERAL MODULE)普通類測試的考生都已離開學校多年,甚至很長時間沒有繼續(xù)英文方面的學習。因此,必須盡量每天安排一定的時間,比如說每天一小時,并根據(jù)自身英文情況制定一個學習計劃,穩(wěn)步、系統(tǒng)地學習。閱讀訓練:爭取每天閱讀一定量的原版英文報刊、書籍,并非要讀懂每一個字,或完全理解,只要能理解其中大至含義既可。可采取3:1的比例進行泛讀與精讀。




1、順序細節(jié)題(except Matching題)基本上按順序出題, 偶爾一兩個題亂序

2、第一題一般根據(jù)頭兩段, 最后一題一般根據(jù)最后一段

3、考點插圖一般有考點, 括號/引號里常有考點


5、T/F/NG題出現(xiàn)only80%選FALSE, 出現(xiàn)some, most一般選TRUE

6、NG很少連續(xù)出現(xiàn), T:F:NG = 2:2:1

7、Multiple Choice題All of the above 90%是正確答案


9、LOH題 &Matching題出現(xiàn)prediction, suggestion, solution等字眼一般在最后一段

10、Summary題一般有一兩個題目需要自己歸納概括, 尤其要注意被動語態(tài)




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